Thursday, 14 October 2010

Get jabbed up.

The bible to getting jabbed up....

According to my nursey friend this website tells all that we need to know.

I had my first jab on monday and now I have a lovely circle plaster (my favourite kind) so I can take on pretty much anything (except Malaria and Yellow fever but that will come in time).



Malarome gives you WEIRD dreams that should not be spoken of, doxycyline probably does too, but at least their cheap dreams and you can get them in country when you run out. I think I might go for this one. 

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Carnival Time, check.

The first accomodation booking was completed today! Which means that we will officially be hitting Rios famous carnival!

Seeing as Hannah and I are both a little bit dancing obsessed I CANNOT wait to get involved!! I read somewhere that the costumes are something like £500 a go, truely spectacular.

So we're off to spend a week at one hostel and then a couple of days at the next, should be an interesting experience, any hosteling tips would be well received... we're both complete novices at the moment.

Everyday I get told something new i HAVE to do in each country, so todays tip for the day is...

Eat a steak in Brazil.

To make up for the last blog, before I had decided to do a tip for the day...

Eat a guinea pig in Peru.

(I think I can see a theme developing here... Hannah may be a little left out as shes veggie... does Quorn guinea pig exist?)


Tuesday, 5 October 2010

It Begins.

So seeing as its now official and me and han are off round the world together for 6 months, I thought the time has come for me to start THE BLOG.

After a ridiculously stressful/exciting 2 hours spent in STA we parted with the cash and have booked the trip we've been going on and on and on and on and on about since a little chat on a turkish beach that turned into a big plan to take on a grand tour, tackling an amazing 4 continents!

sooo... here is somewhere where you guys can see our plans during the build up and then follow us around the world! I'll try and post as much as poss!!!

A little coffee at our fave coffee shop on Tottenham Court Road...

Latte with caramel shot for Laura
Latte with butterscotch shot for Hannah
and big decisions for both + a MASSIVE list of questions to ask our experts.

4 hours later and we finally have an itinary

Coffee definitely was not gonna cut it for celebratory drinks so we hit the hard stuff... 1 isnt too early right?

So anyway... we have finally got our schedule sorted and this is how it goes....

Mexico 5th - 25th Jan
Peru 25th Jan - 10th Feb
Brazil 10th Feb - 14th March
Auz 14th March - 11th April
Singapore 11th April....
Cambodia ... 7th June
Dehli 7th - 21st June

The trip of a life time.... sooooo cant wait!!!