Sunday, 29 May 2011

48 hours of silence, honest

Over 3 days I managed to spend 48 hours in silence. This is coming from the girl that use to find an hours sponsored silence at Brownies too much of a struggle.

And it wasn't just being quiet, it was meditated silence which means you can't even carry around a pad of paper, use sign language or make stupid faces without receiving a disappointed glance from the monks.

Day 1 was tricky, day 2 eased up but by day 3 I had thought about anything stressing me and moved on from it and was left with a blank canvas which drove me mad. Apparently I may have dosed off in the morning session but it was at 5am when you are supposed to be asleep! Not sitting in a dark silent room with your eyes shut but not asleep! Anyway I don't believe Hannah that I was asleep, I think she is just jealous of how calm and concentrated my mind is.

In fairness this meditation malarky was pretty good. It's not something that I would ever chose to do for three days straight again, but as a practice of thought it makes sense. The best way to describe the idea behind it is to take your thoughts that are generally in a confused storm. You spend your time flitting from one idea to the next. You should take the tome to stop that and focus on each thought individually until it is resolved or you come to a point where you can put it to the side and not let it bother you.

It's a frustrating process bit it works. Hannah and I did leave feeling like we had achieved something, even if we did sneak out and get pot noodles and eat them past lunchtime which we weren't supposed to do. Oh and break the solitary confinement rules by sharing a room no matter how small because we are now joined at the hip and too scared to sleep alone. I won't tell the monks if you don't!

Despite all this I would recommend it as a challenge to anyone. Come on if I can shut up and do it surely anyone can and I promise you will see the benefits. Wow u sound like I've gone all hippy.

Do it. I dare you.

1 comment:

  1. Apologies for the 'shit up and do it comment' (mum,gma etc) that is a typo, I'm struggling with the iPod and it did it on predictive! It's a bit of a marathon effort to change it without a pc so I'm afraid I'm sticking with it for now! Will change it in the end! Same goes with any typos really but I thought that one may earn a tut! Xxx
